Startups need to develop products not with a customer in mind but with the customer as part of the process.
Any business that is not a reproducible unit will most certainly fail. Successful enterprises are system-dependent, not people-dependent.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a book on the secret habits of some of the most successful people in America as retold by Stephen R. Covey. It all comes down to 7 key habits.
In this book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert B. Cialdini distills 30 years of studies, research, and observations into six principles that if applied can increase your level of influence.
High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove will teach you the basics of management. Andy shares many of the management principles he used to make Intel the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world. Lessons include how to run successful meetings, how to recruit, how to fire employees, team management, and much more.
Through rigorous research and by interviewing successful startup founders, Gabriel Weinberg, and Justin Mares reveal what it takes to achieve explosive growth by identifying nineteen traction channels that startups can use to attract paying customers.
Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras spent close to a decade studying some of the most successful companies in the world. Their dedication paid off in the form of a book that explains the success behind 18 visionary companies such as HP, Sony, and Walmart.
Hacking Growth is the book to read if you want to achieve breakout success with your startup. Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown distill timeless growth hacking techniques that have worked incredibly well for companies like Facebook, BitTorrent, Dropbox, Airbnb and many more.
Will It Fly by Pat Flynn presents a strategy to test, qualify, and turn your business ideas into profitable ventures.
The Hard Things About Hard Things, Ben Horowitz shares his lifelong experience as a Silicon Valley insider and the management lessons that made him a successful CEO, manager, and founder.
Work the System, by Sam Carpenter will show you how to incorporate system thinking into every aspect of your life with the goal of improving your relationships, business, job, and much more.
The Art of the Pitch, by Peter Coughter is filled with tips and tricks on becoming a better presenter and pitcher.
Explosive Growth by Cliff Lerner is an excellent handbook that teaches readers how to navigate the challenges of creating an online business that gets to the top and stays there.
Russel Brunson’s bestseller will teach you everything you need to know about online marketing. By the time you are done, you will know what the next chapter of your life as an entrepreneur looks like.
Russel Brunson’s Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson completely changes the art and the science of starting a business from scratch.
Start with Why is the ultimate guide to being a true difference-maker. Simon presents a predictable process that anyone can follow to live a life of great impact.
Russel Brunson’s Traffic Secrets is the best guide for driving internet traffic to your online venture.
How To Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams is a fun and easy-to-read book on the fundamentals of a successful and happy life.
Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson is the official biography of Jobs. It tells the story of Apple and the man behind the largest publicly traded company on earth.
Human Compatible by Stuart Russell answers many of the fundamental questions in AI research and application.
Zero to One is a book that gives readers hard but necessary truths for creating a lasting startup.
ZThe Merchants of Doubt exposes the tactics that pseudoscientists use to shape public opinion on things like climate change and cigarette smoking.
The Million-Dollar One-Person Business is a comprehensive guide on managing a business where you are the main person.
Few books have shaped our world like the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Some people consider it to be a more important document than the American Declaration of Independence.
Max Tegmark does an excellent job of laying out the philosophical issues around artificial intelligence. His work screams safety, safety, safety.
In Lying Sam Harris dissects the habit of lying and comes to the following conclusion: It is not worth it.
Rich Dad Poor Dad is a great place to start your financial literacy journey.
The Big Picture is a fantastic book on the most important questions about our universe and our place in it.
To get a sense of the clear and present danger posed by Artificial intelligence, read Super intelligence by Nick Bostrom.
Getting Things Done by David Allen is an inspiring and motivating read on the principles of dealing effectively with internal and external commitments.
Thinking in Bets is a practical guide to making decisions even when the odds are against us.
Managing Oneself by Peter F. Drucker is a short but powerful book on succeeding in the knowledge economy.
The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman is an entire body of work worth a master’s degree in business and entrepreneurship.
Managing Oneself by Peter F. Drucker is a short but powerful book on succeeding in the knowledge economy.
Extreme Productivity by Robert C. Pozen offers timeless strategies for managing your workload more effectively.
Ready, Fire, Aim is a set book on business strategy to guide you on your entrepreneurship journey no matter the growth stage.
Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismael with Michael S. Malone, and Yuri Van Geest explains a new brand of businesses — the exponential organizations. They have revolutionized how companies accelerate their growth with the help of technology.